Food, wine and great company is all I need to be happy. In this case we had a lot of all three. Thanks Michal, Harout, Caitlin, Padraic, Tara, Dre and Kristin for making it all happen. These recipes feed 8 people and cost about $100. Total cooking and prep time is about 2 hours.
Cod with Lobster Sauce
8 filets of black cod, about 3 lbs
1 shallot, fine dice
1/4 stick butter
1/2 cup vegetable stock
4 oz creme fraiche
1 lb white shrimp, 25ct peeled deveined and halved long way
Preheat the oven to 400. Season cod with salt, pepper and olive oil then lay them flat on a greased, foil-lined baking tray. Roast for about 15 minutes. Remove with a spatula and place in a large serving tray. Top with cream sauce.
In a medium sauce pan start the butter, shallots and garlic on medium heat and let cook until the onions are just turning brown. Add flour and mix well, keep stiring for 10 minutes or until the flour begins to just get lightly brown. Add the cream and the vegetable stock and mix well. Let this cook for about 15 minutes or until reduced by half. Now add the shrimp and let cook for 10 more minutes. Serve over top of fish.
1/2 lb sunchokes, peeled and large diced
1/2 vidallia onion, rough chop
4 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon cream fraiche (or cream cheese)
salt and pepper
Start sunchokes and shallot in a medium pot with cool water. Bring to a boil and let cook 15 minutes more until the sunchokes are fork tender. Remove from the heat and strain, reserving 4 teaspoons of the water. Puree in a blender with the reserved water, olive oil and cream fraiche, add salt and pepper to taste.
Yams, Chantrelles and Garlic Scapes
The yams and the mush rooms were cut in half an oven roasted at 400 degree. The yams took about 40 minutes while the mushrooms only about 12 minutes. The garlic scapes, which are the green tops of the garlic bulb, were blanched for 2 minutes and then sauteed in olive oil and butter for 2 minutes as well.
Pick thru the kale and remove all of the stems. Cut roasted beets and nectarines in 8ths. Halve yellow tomatoes and squeeze juice and seeds out over a fine strainer with a small bowl to catch the delicious tomato water.
Tomato Water Vinaigrette
2 oz tomato water
2 oz white balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon chopped fresh marjoram
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
salt and pepper
4 oz extra virgin olive oil
Mix everything but the oil. Then slowly add oil while whisking until mixture comes together.
What a great meal with some great people. Till next time... Buon apetito!!